A downloadable game

After some setbacks requiring us to restart as well as conflicting coding techniques, we were unfortunately unable to finish Violet Volley Flyers by the deadline. Despite this, we still tried to implement as much as possible to ensure the "best possible" user experience but do be aware it's functionality is limited.

In Violet Volley Flyers, two players sharing a keyboard fight to the death using two legendary characters from mythology (we were intending to use 5 legends characters with unique abilities).

A,D (Move)
Space (Jump)
E (Attack - Partially working)
<,> (Move)
Numpad0 (Jump)
Numpad3 (Attack)

Known bugs and missing content:

- Ability to damage each other
- Ability to end game
- Sprite animation bugs
- Sound effects (music was used however)
- Enhanced custom map

In the files, "Violet Volley Flyers - Incomplete" houses the main game, partially playable, whereas "VVF-SOF-Map" houses a fully custom map that we were unable to implement in time.


UP859534 Konstantinos Tomatzidis
UP902463 Luca Mutton
UP904051 Jude Weston
UP903920 Matthew Boyes
UP903921 Steven Handley
Background music: https://youtu.be/Gzh-PelUCUg


Violet Volley Flyers - Incomplete.zip 14 MB
VVF-SOF-Map1.zip 1.8 MB

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